The Museum of Future Objects

Media Release


Future museum pops up in the present



Director of MoFO, Rufus Sodgrass defines the relationship between the goals for InFO and MoFO as “an innovative new channel of communication between research and exhibition. InFO is the research hub and MoFo is the public platform for showcasing the extraordinary outcomes of interdisciplinary collaboration.”


MoFO's  motto Futurity in Perpetuity is indeed becoming a reality. Its "Discover it! Exhibit it!" attitude is the driving force behind the MoFO Pop Ups Project. "What audiences will get a taste of is the future now" Sodgrass states. "We have access to some of the most brilliant minds in experimental physics who have been able to create traversable wormholes in tightly controlled environments. Our mission at MoFO is to share these outcomes with the public sooner rather than later."



MoFO PoP Ups intends to demonstrate a remarkable scientific and technological advance. The audience in Portland will see the first ever public exhibition of a FLOTL - a Future Light Object Time Loop. What and How are closely held secrets before the event. Be on the look out for a MoFO Pop Up Portland! 






4 March 2013