The Mare Serenitatis Dream Center is the first accredited Lunar Sleep and Dream Center. We are lunar dream experts with highly effective methods to wake you up in the morning and send you into a deep slumber at night. As a progressive medical research practice dedicated to providing comprehensive management of  sleep behavour and dream health, from preliminary diagnosis to the initiation of treatment.


Using the latest advancements in sleep medicine we provide care for children, teens and adults suffering from lunar sleep disturbances including - insomnia, snoring, reduction in sleep quality, dream deprivation, fatigue, memory loss, and reduced work performance.






Circadian rhythms are important in determining human sleep patterns. The biological clocks that control circadian rhythms are groupings of interacting molecules in cells throughout the body. A “master clock” in the brain coordinates all the body clocks so that they are in synch. On average, lunar residents experience a 26% drop in sleep efficiency, with greatly reduced  Rapid Eye Movement (REM).


Our research shows the best approach to improving the quality of sleep and dreams is to work with biological clocks and circadian rythmns, resetting them to the lunar cycle. Sleep and dream patterns are stabilized within one month of our treatment regime.  Improvements in general feeling of wellbeing and increased efficieny in cognition and brain performance have also been documented. You may be experiencing dream deprivation. Contact us today for a consulation with one of our friendly staff.