
dissolve is a moving image work that explores our engagement with the screen as a surface. It is a contemplation of the process of image transmission and reception. Our contemporary experience of visual information is frequently mediated by a screen. The screen is the primary interface for electronic media; the pixel is the basic unit of composition of a screen image. The screen is a constantly changing field of visual information, quite different from the static nature of photographs. Photographs form the basis of dissolve. Transitions (cross dissolves) are used to link photographic images and generate movement between frames. The dissolves become sites of tension and release; of emergence and dissipation. This process is amplified by the compression (codec) and resolution of the work, which makes conscious the interplay of “little squares” that form the basis of electronic images on screen. The mathematical computations – the algorithms that encode and decode our information, are hidden behind interfaces. There are degrees of separation that exist between our interactions and the operational logic of technological apparatuses. Embedded in the ambient soundtrack of dissolve is an encoded aural description of the process of its making. It is a soundscape designed for the contemplation of our contemporary visual experiences; and to highlight the levels of discreet, inaccessible information that accompany these visual encounters. dissolve was also used as source material for resliced.

Exhibitions: 2009 Featured Artist, Moving Image Program, Adelaide Festival Centre, Australia 2006 SALA Moving Image Project, Adelaide, Australia 2006 photofugue: solo exhibition, SASA Gallery, Adelaide, Australia

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