
The processes that generate the images of photism are the result of an investigation into electro-photography. Kirlian photography or electro-photography uses high voltage electricity to generate responses onto film. A custom designed/built device extends this photographic process to create literal tracings of electricity conducting, charging and passing directly through film. The cameraless process occurs in complete darkness and the results are both unpredictable and invisible until the film is processed. Each resulting photograph is an event, not the documentation of an event. The photographic images that constitute the photism series are the result of an experimental mode for generating photographs – they embody indeterminacy; challenge photography’s indexical relationship; and provide the photographic universe with new information. Photism was also used as source material for photographic terrains 1.






2006 photofugue: solo exhibition, SASA Gallery, Adelaide, Australia
2004 Sky Lounge, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia
2003 Lume, Adelaide Central Gallery, Australia

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