Navigating this Wiki is simply a matter of clicking on hypertext links. The hypertext links to other pages; other websites; and in some cases images; are highlighted so they are easy to detect. Once you have enjoyed a page and wish to explore another, there are a few ways to do this:
If you find yourself following an external link which is a link that takes you to another website and is indicated by this icon , it is suggested that you open this link in a new window (right button click for PC or Command/Click for Mac over the link to choose this option). This way you will keep you page and place on this website and can still explore another website. If you do open external link in the original window, clicking the back arrow on your browser will return you to the wiki page.
At the bottom of each page you will find the site map icon, by clicking on it, an illustration of the site is provided with active icon links to each of the major areas at the top of the page. You will notice that each section you go to is colour coded. The dividing lines that appear in each section are coloured according to the section of the site they belong to, for example The Research Project is green, and TheArchive is yellow. This page appears on the frontpage of all the sections so all the colours are included.
Go to photo:fugue | Go to The Research Project| Go to TheArchive | Go to StudioResearch | Go to HomePage
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