This is the wiki website of Tracy Cornish which has been developed as a component of a PhD Visual Arts by Major Studio Project. The research project explores photography as a system of complex, dynamic interactions, ideas and technologies. As part of the research, this wiki contributes as an online artifact and an exegesis of the project. The following links are the entry points to the main areas of the wiki:
The front page for this research project and portal to the essays of the exegesis.
The front page for a system of archives of related literature, artists, authors, and contains a glossary of terms.
The front page for a catalogue of the artifacts of this research project. It contains selected examples of works with links to further works hosted online.
Gallery exhibition of photo:fugue is a link to photographs of [photo:fugue] exhibition at the South Australian School of Art Gallery, 21-29 July 2006.
Other pages of interest include:
Acknowledgements - The amazing individuals who share their time, energy and expertise with me. Without their efforts and talents, this research project would not have been possible.
What is Wiki? - A brief introduction to this thing called Wiki.
Why use Wiki? - A brief overivew of the reasons for using Wiki.
How to use this Wiki - A navigation guide to this Wiki.
Clicking on the site map icon below will reveal an overview of the wiki which is colour coded and indicates the main links between pages. This icon is at the bottom of every page to assist with navigation. At the top of the site map are active icon links to the main sections of the wiki.
Go to The Research Project | TheArchive | StudioResearch | HomePage
or go to How to use this Wiki
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