The OldStyleTablePlugin can be used to include tables within a wiki page using the old-style markup syntax for tables.
<?plugin OldStyleTable ||^ *Name* |v *Cost* |v *Notes* | *First* | *Last* |> Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it |> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available ?>
will get you
Name | Cost | Notes | |
First | Last | ||
Jeff | Dairiki | Cheap | Not worth it |
Marco | Polo | Cheaper | Not available |
Note that multiple |s lead to spanned columns, and vs can be used to span rows. A > generates a right justified column, < a left justified column and ^ a centered column (which is the default.)
Note that within each table cell, new-style markup is used. You can only use inline markup --- no block level markup is allowed within table cells.
(Using old-style markup wouldn't make much sense, since one can't include multi-line plugin invocations using the old-style markup rules.)
lib/Template.php:112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php:114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/CachedMarkup.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):427: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference
lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference