Emphasis: _ for italics, * for bold,
_* for both, = for fixed width.
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists,
Term:<new-line> definition for definition lists.
Preformatted text: Enclose text in <pre></pre> or
Indented text: Indent the paragraph with whitespaces.
References: JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a
[page link] or URL [].
Preventing linking: Prefix with "~":
~DoNotHyperlink, name links like [text | URL].
Misc: "!", "!!", "!!!" make headings,
"%%%" or "<br>" makes a linebreak,
"----" makes a horizontal rule.
Allowed HTML tags: b big i
small tt em strong
abbr acronym cite
dfn kbd samp
var sup sub
- Don't indent paragraphs
- Words wrap and fill as needed
- Use blank lines as separators
- Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
- %%% or <br> makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)
- '!' at the start of a line makes a small heading
- '!!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading
- '!!!' at the start of a line makes a large heading
Preformatted text
Place preformatted lines inside <pre>:
Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.
Preformatted text. WikiLinks
still work.
If you want text with no Wiki interaction, use the <verbatim> tag:
Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.
Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.
Indented Paragraphs
Two or more whitespaces signal indented text. Indents may be nested.
This is an indented block of text.
This block is even more indented.
E-mail style block-quoting is supported as well:
> This is block-quoted text.
renders as
This is block-quoted text.
Definition list style tables are written just like definition lists,
except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a "pipe"
Term 1 |
Definition 1 begins here.
Term 1.1 |
Definition 1.1
Term 1.2 |
Definition 1.2
This is part of definition 1.
Term 2 |
Here's definition 2.
Term 1 |
Definition 1 begins here.
Term 1.1 |
Definition 1.1 |
Term 1.2 |
Definition 1.2 |
This is part of definition 1.
Term 2 |
Here's definition 2. |
- Old-style tables are supported through the OldStyleTablePlugin:
HTML Mark-Up Language
- Some in-line markup is allowed through the use of HTML tags:
b, big, i, small,
tt, em, strong,
abbr, acronym, cite,
, dfn, kbd,
samp, var, sup and sub
- < and > are themselves
- The & characters will not work
Creating various kinds of special links
- See MagicPhpWikiURLs for gory details on how to write various kind
of wiki maintenance and other special links.
Inserting plugins
Several plugins permit embedding additional functionality to Wiki
pages. For example,
<?plugin BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits ?>
320 pages link to HomePage:
Hits |
Page Name |
2 |
A Beginning |
12 |
A Big Theory of Culture - A Talk with Brian Eno |
37 |
A Blinding Flash of Light |
4 |
A Philosophy for Complexity, from Managing Complexity |
10 |
289 |
11 |
Absolute Blue |
39 |
Abstract Art in the Late Twentieth Century |
4 |
Abstract Heritages and Legacies |
4 |
Abstraction Now |
5 |
Abstraction Now Online Project |
26 |
Abstraction and Complexity |
92 |
Acknowledgements |
38 |
Adam Bunny |
74 |
Adam Fuss |
22 |
Adam Fuss-bk1 |
24 |
Adam Fuss-bk2 |
11 |
Aesthetics and Photography |
10 |
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi |
119 |
An Ecology of Post-Photography |
7 |
An Emergent Paradigm |
3 |
An Interview with Flickr's Eric Costello |
19 |
Andreas Muller-Pohle |
14 |
Andrew Burrow |
14 |
Andrew Wilson |
13 |
Andy Gotts |
1 |
Ars Electronica Future Lab |
32 |
Ars Electronica: Facing the Future |
11 |
Art History in a Post-Medium Age |
4 |
Art and Science in Chaos: contesting readings of scientific visualisation |
13 |
Art and the Internet |
1025 |
ArtistArchive |
45 |
ArtistTemplate |
1 |
Australian Centre for Photography |
4 |
Australian Centre for the Moving Image |
2 |
Australian Network for Art and Technology - ANAT |
219 |
AuthorArchive |
12 |
Automation of Sight: from Photography to Computer Vision |
447 |
22 |
Ben Searcy |
20 |
Blur |
7 |
Bohnchang Koo |
15 |
Brian Jefferies |
24 |
Bunny |
68 |
Burning With Desire |
19 |
Carl Warner |
3 |
Centre for Contemporary Photography |
8 |
Chargesheimer |
29 |
Cheryl Van Hooven |
15 |
Chris Lucas |
24 |
Christine Cornish |
101 |
Christopher Bucklow |
30 |
Christopher Giglio |
32 |
Complexity & Postmodernism |
4 |
Complexity Art and Complex Systems |
12 |
Conflicts as Emergent Phenomena of Complexity |
16 |
Creative Camera: 30 years of writing |
13 |
Creativity on Organisations: An Emergent Perspective |
4 |
Critical Systems Thinking and Information technology |
5 |
Culture and Complexity: New Insights on Organisational Change |
11 |
Culture, Technology and Creativity in the late Twentieth Century |
13 |
Cybernetics and Second-Order Cybernetics |
13 |
Danielle Thompson |
55 |
Daro Montag |
10 |
Data Visualisation as New Abstraction and Anti-Sublime |
55 |
David Hiscock |
25 |
David Hiscock - Book |
32 |
David Levin |
14 |
David Martin |
14 |
David Tomas |
18 |
Declaration |
15 |
Deep Simplicity |
9 |
Duncan Watts |
75 |
Each Wild Idea |
40 |
Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation |
24 |
Ellen Carey |
38 |
Embodied |
22 |
Emergence |
5 |
Emergent Behaviours: towards computational aesthetics |
15 |
Essential Brakhage |
19 |
Ethical Issues |
27 |
Eugenia Raskopoulos |
9 |
Eugenia Raskopoulos Catalogue |
50 |
Explication of Thesis Topic |
16 |
Exploring the Invisible |
44 |
F:Divergent Abstraction and the Photographic Project |
6 |
Flickr |
9 |
Flickr Hacks: Tips & Tools for Sharing Photos Online |
2 |
Flickr of Idea on a Gaming Project led to Photo Website |
13 |
Floris M. Neususs |
5 |
Foreword to Steps to an Ecology of Mind |
3 |
Form Follows Data |
11 |
Francis Heylighen |
6 |
From Pace Layering to Resilience Theory |
5 |
From Panel Painting to Computer Processing |
21 |
Frontiers of Photography |
66 |
Garry Fabian Miller |
15 |
Gavin Hipkins |
8 |
General Morphological Analysis: A general method for non-quantified modelling |
8 |
Generation Flash |
60 |
Geoffrey Batchen |
324 |
Glossary of Terms |
20 |
Gottfried Jager |
10 |
Graham Oborn |
6 |
Hard OR, Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods, Critical Systems Thinking: A Primer |
9 |
Hiroshi Sugimoto |
22 |
How can we think the complex |
5 |
How to Use Flickr: The Digital Photography Revolution |
16 |
How to use this Wiki |
9 |
Hyper-Heidegger |
11 |
I link, therefore I am |
15 |
Image Future |
19 |
Impossible Presence |
12 |
Information Aesthetics |
11 |
Information Aesthetics - An Appropriate Aesthetic for a New Culture |
60 |
Inge Dick |
20 |
Internet Art |
2 |
Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture |
208 |
Intertwingularity |
155 |
Introducing Complexity |
116 |
Introduction |
23 |
James Welling |
24 |
Jane Burton |
5 |
Jean Baudrillard's Weaknesses |
13 |
Jeffrey Sturges |
20 |
Jennifer Bolande |
4 |
Jim Moss |
4 |
Kirlian Photography |
4 |
Kirlian photography |
10 |
Kristy Tagg |
52 |
Lev Manovich |
19 |
Linked |
867 |
LiteratureArchive |
6 |
Liz Wells |
12 |
Manuel De Landa |
3 |
Mapping on abstracts - no true maps |
13 |
Marco Breuer |
29 |
Marco Masci |
202 |
MastersProposal |
56 |
Material Light |
15 |
Media Ecologies |
2 |
Media and Abstraction |
9 |
Meshworks, Hierachies and Interfaces |
21 |
Metadata, Mon Amour |
23 |
Methodology, Methods and Timeline |
7 |
Michael Wesley |
3 |
Michal Rovner |
17 |
Minimal |
2 |
Modelling Complex Socio-Technical Systems Using Morphological Analysis |
17 |
Modern Art and Modern Science |
6 |
Moving Image of photo:fugue exhibition |
22 |
Moving Pictures |
11 |
Moving Pictures Guggenheim Museum |
31 |
Neil Reddy |
126 |
Networks > Clusters > Links > Nodes |
2 |
New Media as Remix Culture |
23 |
New Technology, New Painting? |
2 |
NewMarkupTestPage |
33 |
NewUsers |
32 |
25 |
Ocean of Sound |
1 |
OldMarkupTestPage |
4 |
OldTextFormattingRules |
11 |
On Photography |
11 |
On the Philosopher Vilem Flusser |
55 |
Optic Nerve |
66 |
Overview of Thesis |
26 |
Painting at the Edge of the World |
35 |
Paul Brown |
14 |
Paul Cilliers |
19 |
Penelope Davis |
7 |
PgsrcTranslation |
16 |
Phantasm |
23 |
PhotoVideo |
2 | |
2 |
Photography Now |
30 |
Photography after Photography |
133 |
Photography and Complexity |
101 |
Photography in Real-Time |
45 |
Photography: A critical introduction |
77 |
PhpWikiAdministration |
66 |
PhpWikiDocumentation |
4 |
Picture This! |
12 |
Pondering Criticism |
15 |
Post |
28 |
Post-Media Aesthetics |
2 |
Post-Video Art |
6 |
Principia Cybernetica - Relation to other disciplines |
41 |
Process Photography |
47 |
ProposalToUpgrade |
10 |
Quantum: A guide for the perplexed |
14 |
Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution |
33 |
References |
168 |
Review of Literature and Artifacts |
58 |
Richard Caldicott |
90 |
Robert Davies |
28 |
Roderick Packe |
39 |
Roy Exley |
22 |
Scott Redford |
16 |
Setting the Scene- Science, Humanity and Interaction |
23 |
Shane Fitzgerald |
21 |
Simone Douglas |
3 |
Simple Lessons from Complexity |
111 |
Site Map |
17 |
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age |
182 |
Soul Delay |
19 |
Steffen Kluge |
16 |
Stephan Reusse |
15 |
Steven Carson |
14 |
Steven Johnson |
319 |
StudioResearch |
1 |
Subjective Photography Retrospective Exhibiton |
103 |
Susan Derges |
6 |
Switch Interview with Manuel De Landa |
7 |
Taming Complexity |
42 |
TextFormattingRules |
41 |
The Art of Abstract Photography |
132 |
The Complex Processes of Abstraction |
1 |
The Complexity & Artificial Life Research Concept for Self-Organizing Systems |
8 |
The Craft of Research |
6 |
The Digital Corrosion of Postmodernism |
15 |
The Digital Evolution |
98 |
The Emergence of Flickr |
15 |
The Engineering of Vision from Constructivism to Computers |
2 |
The Evolution of Systems Inquiry part 2 |
2 |
The Flickr Phenomenon: Critical, Collaborative, and Creative Convergences |
4 |
The Friendster of Photo Sites |
5 |
The Geophilosophies of Deleuze and Guattari |
The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System |
30 |
The Language of New Media |
18 |
The New Media Reader |
11 |
The Philosophy of Complexity |
13 |
The Photographic Image in Digital Culture |
12 |
The Photographic Paradigm |
135 |
The Photographic Universe |
858 |
The Research Project |
22 |
The Story of Light |
462 |
TheArchive |
162 |
ThesisProposals |
58 |
This is not a Photograph |
8 |
Timothy Druckrey |
39 |
Towards Abstraction: The Painterly Photograph |
50 |
Towards a Philosophy of Photography |
12 |
Transvergence in Art History |
20 |
66 |
Under the Sun |
78 |
Uta Barth |
10 |
Uta Barth - Between Places |
9 |
Uta Barth - Book |
20 |
Value Added Goods |
17 |
Vanishing Presence |
14 |
Vernacular Photographies |
11 |
Veronica's Revenge |
31 |
Vilem Flusser |
37 |
Virtual Anxiety |
14 |
Virtual Environments and the Emergence of Synthetic Reason |
1 |
Visual Complexity |
26 |
What is Wiki? |
40 |
What is this thing called Photography? |
7 |
What the Geeks Know: Hypertext and the Problem of Literacy |
38 |
Where is the Photograph? |
28 |
Why use Wiki? |
82 |
Wolfgang Tillmans |
26 |
Words of Light |
15 |
World Without End |
3 |
Writings |
6 |
YouTube |
27 |
apparatus |
4 |
attractor |
10 |
bifurcation |
23 |
code |
39 |
complex system |
17 |
complexity |
16 |
concept |
9 |
connectionism |
49 |
crysalis |
13 |
cyanotype |
22 |
develop |
19 |
dissolve |
6 |
electro-photography |
8 |
emergence |
25 |
emulsional |
19 |
endcode |
14 |
game |
23 |
glowing emissions |
14 |
history |
9 |
idea |
13 |
image |
14 |
imagination |
12 |
inform |
14 |
information |
4 |
information aesthetics |
12 |
magic |
13 |
mediology |
9 |
metadata |
22 |
nonlinear |
4 |
open source software |
9 |
perturbations |
36 |
photism |
764 |
photo:fugue |
26 |
photo:fugue exhibition |
9 |
photo:fugue review |
24 |
photo:sonic |
5 |
photogram |
12 |
photograph |
13 |
photographer |
26 |
photographic terrains |
13 |
plaything |
10 |
post-history |
11 |
program |
18 |
rabbit-duck illusion |
12 |
redundancy |
10 |
self-organization |
16 |
soul delay |
24 |
surface-space |
15 |
system |
13 |
technical image |
8 |
translation |
12 |
universe |
5 |
wiki |
- For more information on plugins, see WikiPlugin.
PHP Warnings
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